SWEP-MA: hosts needed, upcoming events

  • Monday, May 22, 2023

Please join or renew your membership to the Society of Women Environmental Professional Massachusetts Chapter (SWEP-MA)!  Your dues help pay for our free networking events (like the one at Trillium on May 24) and help us reach more people.

We are back to hosting in-person events!  If your company is interested in hosting an event or if you have an idea for an event, please send an email to the SWEP Planning Board (

Thanks and check out our upcoming events:

  • May 24, 5-7PM - Networking Event at Trillium, Canton. 
  • September 13 , 5-7PM - Networking Event at Outlook Farm, Natick.
  • October 11, 3-5PM - Volunteer at Food Link Arlington, followed by optional networking dinner out. 

Upcoming Friend Events:

  • May 22, 11AM -1PM - LSPA Emerging Professionals Event:  MCP Guidance to Go: What You Need to Know, .  For more info and to register:
  • May 24, 12-1PM - WEST Laid Off Series: Landing a Job Through Recruiters Eyes.
  • June 13, 12-1PM Virtual EBC Ascending Professionals Webinar: PFAS 101 & other great upcoming events –
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